Man is very lonely.

Man is very lonely.

No one talks about this because it's not a funded or promoted topic, but 79 percent of self-eliminations are of men. From laughing heartily with companions during the day, a man enters his empty room at night to grapple with his most intense demons, to hear the painful silence of his solitude, and to weep for the impotence of not becoming who he dreams of being. No one notices, but the man leaves home to be useful to society. Neither the sweat on his brow, nor the dirt on his clothes, nor the sacrifice for his loved ones can be hidden. In his eyes, the soul of the man reflects the yearning for a real embrace, for words of gratitude that rejoice in his heart, for recognition of his effort that embraces his spirit with a simple 'I'm proud of you.'

In search of real connections, the man hides his loneliness in the cold ocean of cyberspace, social media, pornography, and entertainment. He immerses himself in the poison of instant gratification to forget his loneliness and the rejection of society. And it's so ironically simple that a simple compliment recalls gratitude in a man for the rest of his life. Tell a man that his haircut looks good, and he'll keep it for a good 10 years; tell a man how beautiful his smile is and he'll likely smile more often; tell a man how respectful he is, and he'll never forget to hold the door for others.

What a strange thing is man: he doesn't ask to be born, he doesn't know how to live, and he doesn't want to die. Some soldiers choose to withdraw from the game, but most of those who wander in the darkness retain a glimmer of light. They are like a fire about to go out, needing a bit more firewood to keep shining. They hold on to hope, a small illusion that someone will eventually look at them and provide some firewood, a word of encouragement to keep living.

Even in his loneliness, how many brave men are willing to give their lives for their partner, for their family, for their ideas, for their country? Ultimately, men want to fulfill a purpose, to be part of something extraordinary, to be admired, loved, respected, and recognized. It's incredible how a simple sentence can build or destroy a man's life. So I invite you to seek virtue, to use solitude, pain, and suffering as catalysts to build yourself into a man of excellence. A courageous man who doesn't let misfortunes defeat him. A man who looks at life with wisdom and chooses purpose over pleasure. An integral man, capable of lifting others from misery. A role model for those lost in the world and in the darkness.

May generations rise tomorrow, learning from you as an exemplary man, a man worth following, a man of honor. I invite you to seek the path, the truth, and the life.
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